Mr. Schmidt shared his views and stated: “We should make it ever easier to see the news from another country’s point of view, and understand the global consciousness free from filter or bias.” He added: “We should build tools to help de-escalate tensions on social media — sort of like spell-checkers, but for hate and harassment. We should target social accounts for terrorist groups like the Islamic State, and remove videos before they spread, or help those countering terrorist messages to find their voice.”Undoubtedly, Internet has become much more advanced and accessible than expected. It has made the lives easier. However, Mr. Schmidt pointed out how its misuse has played the part in spreading hate and terror around the globe. He said it could still be controlled, starting from individuals, moving on to tech companies and eventually the government. In case the individuals are not ready to join in, even the authorities and companies could take strict measures.United States President, Barrack Obama, also shared similar feelings, as he stated: “the internet erases the distance between countries, we see growing efforts by terrorists to poison the minds of people like the Boston Marathon bombers and the San Bernardino killers.”It is believed that Mr. Schmidt has used this message as a wake-up call for every Internet participant. It is high time to spread awareness and take all necessary measures, before the things get out of hand.Social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter have always been reported by users for harassment and hatred. Not only this, YouTube has had the same issue for quite a long time. It is not the only companies to take steps against such issues, but also the actions that could end such matters permanently should not be taken.These users spreading negativity, if once are blocked, get to access the same network and start over with their activities again. It is obvious that such steps would hurt the tech companies running these platforms yet they have to suffer it, if they want to make Internet a safer and positive platform.