Then there is a perfect class for you in Lost Ark that can offer you all this. The Warrior class has the tankiest characters in it. There are three advanced classes of the Warrior class in Lost Ark.These all have high HP and possess high damage. But the tankiest among them or the pure tank hero is Gunlancer. With the right build for this subclass, you can easily get through any content in Lost Ark.This guide will cover the stats, build, engravings, and skills of this subclass.

Gunlancer Subclass in Lost Ark

The Gunlancer subclass is a male character and the tankiest hero in Lost Ark. They have a lance as a weapon to deal damage and a shield for their protection. The name of this subclass is due to its long lance which lets it deal damage to enemies from a distance like a gun.There are very few things that can go wrong with this character. Even if you are not great at playing Lost Ark contents, this subclass is very easy to play and is not punishing if you make a mistake.If you are playing at a party, the Gunlancer subclass can take the damage of enemies and protect squishy heroes. This will enable support and high DPS heroes to easily attack the enemies without getting in harm’s way. Here are the stats of this subclass.

Stats of Gunlancer Subclass

As this subclass carries a heavy weapon and shield, the movement speed is pretty low. Not only movement speed, but the attack speed is also below average among all the subclasses. As already mentioned, you will not find another subclass in Lost Ark with as high HP and Defensive stats as the Gunlancer subclass. Along with this, they possess high damage too. The damage is not high like DPS classes but you will be able to deal some decent damage. They also have Burst Damage using some skills so you will also deal huge damage to enemies.There are damage skills and shield skills for you in this subclass. For them, you need to manage mana. This subclass has a decent amount of mana. You can keep on clicking on skills until their cooldown is finished and your mana is replenished. They also possess dash ability but are short in range. They possess the ability to apply damage and defense debuffs on enemies. In addition to this, they can buff the party members with a shield and damage. They can also cleanse debuffs of the party members. 

Pros and Cons of Gunlancer Subclass

After knowing the stats, we know you are very impressed with this subclass. There are very few weaknesses of this subclass. So, let’s divide this subclass’s pros and cons.So, if you don’t mind the slow nature of this subclass and love a character with high defense and HP with decent damage, then this class is the one for you.

Skills of Gunlancer 

Like any subclasses, there are three kinds of skills in this subclass.There are a total of 17 normal skills for this subclass. Among these 17 normal skills, some are damage skills and some are shield skills. So, you need to manage mana by using two different skills effectively to help yourself and your teammates too.There are two Ultimate Skills. Like normal skills, one is a damage skill and another is a defense skill. Here also you have to be Level 50 to unlock Awakening Skills.Identity Skills will be discussed further below. Now let’s list skills for this subclass.

Normal Skills

The 17 normal skills of the Gunlancer subclass are:

Awakening Skills

The two Awakening Skills of this subclass are:

Identity Skills

Both normal skills and awakening skills have different damage and defensive skills. So, identity skills are also no exception. But one identity skill gives both damage and defense to you. There are two identity skills of the Gunlancer subclass.Defensive Stance is a defense skill. It provides a shield to protect you from any damage or staggering effects. But you will be slowed more. As this subclass is already slow you may feel like you are not moving at all. It resets every 2 seconds.Battlefield Shield is a mix of defense and attack skills. It will enable you to jump towards an enemy and knock them down in an area. Also, it grants you the ability to absorb the damage targeted at you and your teammates. But the cooldown is 90 seconds and lasts for 5 seconds only.To use these skills, you need to first fill the Identity Gauge or Meter. This gauge is called Shield Gauge which fills on every hit to enemies. 

Engravings for Gunlancer

Engravings in Lost Ark play a huge role in the playstyles of every subclass. All subclasses have different two Engravings which grant buffs to the character. These Engravings are called Class Engravings which are class-specific.There are also Combat Engravings which also provide buffs to your character. But class engravings are important for your character. These Combat and Class engravings should be chosen carefully to get the most out of your class.The class engravings of the Gunlancer subclass are:Now let’s discuss the playstyles and build for these playstyles.

Combat Readiness Playstyle

This playstyle is to make your character tankier. It focuses on defensive skills than damage skills. You will be able to deal decent damage but not like Solo Knight Playstyle. It increases your ability to absorb the damage. Also, the more you get hit by enemies the more damage you will get. So, you will use Defensive Stance more to absorb damage and use your normal skills to deal damage.The stats for this playstyle should be Specialization and Crit at a ratio of 70/30 respectively.

The recommended skills for PvE for this playstyle are:

Here is the list of recommended Engravings for this support playstyle.

Lone Knight Playstyle

This playstyle focuses more on DPS for Gunlancer. It focuses more on damage skills to get more damage. But doing so, you will compromise in defense stats.The Gunlance skills will get more damage and critical chance. But you will not be able to use the Battlefield Shield identity skill. You will get huge burst damage and dash to enemies to deal damage. Doing this, you will have huge damage potential but you will be quite vulnerable. So, if you are not used to playing DPS-style gameplay, it will be hard for you. The required stats for this playstyle are Crit and Swiftness at a ratio of 60/40 respectively.

For this playstyle, use these skills while playing PvE content.

The PvP skill builds for Solo Knight and Combat Readiness playstyles are the same. 

These are the Engraving you should get for this Playstyle:So, after reading this guide, if you like the stats of the Gunlancer subclass and want to play as a tank hero, follow the builds mentioned. If you want a pure tank go for Combat Readiness Playstyle or else for DPS, go for Solo Knight Playstyle.This subclass is pretty good at both PvP and PvE. The recommended build for PvE is Combat Readiness and PvP is Solo Knight. Lost Ark Gunlancer Subclass Guide  Build  Engravings  Skills - 9Lost Ark Gunlancer Subclass Guide  Build  Engravings  Skills - 95Lost Ark Gunlancer Subclass Guide  Build  Engravings  Skills - 30