Most of the mobs do not necessarily despawn, due to which your game could lag as well. The kill command comes in very handy in such situations. So, without further ado, let’s look at how to use the kill command to all mobs in Minecraft.

Kill Command in Minecraft

The kill command is the command you write in the chat box in the game. There is only one kill command, /kill; but there are different variations of it. You can use the command to kill every living mob in the game, including you. You can also kill only a certain type of creature or kill the players only.One good thing about this command is that you can use it to destroy all the drops and entities left in the game, such as creature drops, minecarts, boats, etc.It is best to remember that you can only use commands after activating cheats in your world. You can do so while creating the world or turning the LAN multiplayer on and allowing cheats.

How to Use the Kill Command in Minecraft?

It is very easy to use the kill command. You can open the chatbox, enter the command you want to execute, and hit Enter. However, there are many different ways to use the command.

Using the Command to Kill Everything

The first and the basic way to use the command is to kill all the entities of the game:

Using the Command to Kill Everything Except the Player

You can also kill everything except yourself. You can follow the following steps to do so:

Using the Kill Command to Kill a Certain Mob

This is a handy way of getting rid of a certain type of mob if they give you a lot of trouble. Let’s look at the command that kills pillagers for an easier demonstration:

Using the Kill Command to Kill Mobs in a Small Area

Another variation of the kill command also lets you kill everything in an area. You will need to determine the number of blocks around you that you want to execute the command in. Let us look at an example of how to kill mobs in a distance of 20 blocks.

Using the Kill Command to Kill another Player

If you are playing in multiplayer mode and have admin privileges, you can easily kill other players using the following command:/kill playernameIn the above syntax, the player name is the name of the player you want to kill in the game. But you may want to check if they are online in your world before executing the command; else, you will face an error while doing so.

Can I use the kill command to remove all the drops?

The mobs can still drop the loots when you kill them using the kill command. Luckily, you can use the kill command to get rid of them.Furthermore, mobs like Slime break into smaller ones until the smallest ones spawn and die. Simply, execute /kill @e[type=![player] until everything, including all the drop, is gone.

Is Using the kill command useful?

Sometimes, there may be a lot of mobs that are not despawning, such as the wandering traders and their llamas. There may also be instances where drops from dead mobs lag the game. Using kill commands during such situations can instantly free up your system’s resources and run the game smoothly.

What kind of items does the kill command destroy?

Apart from all the living things, the kill command can also destroy the items you can summon using the /summon command. Examples are armor stands, minecarts, boats, arrows, experience orbs, etc. All of the things that you can summon also fall under entities.


Now that you know about the kill command, you can make full use of it to change the world to your liking or optimize it better. But it is best to make sure you try all the different variations of the kill command in a different world so that you do not accidentally kill something you don’t want to.Creating a different world in creative mode and experimenting with the command will help you know how the command truly functions. It will certainly help you use it better in your actual world. How To Use And Kill All Mobs In Minecraft Command - 37How To Use And Kill All Mobs In Minecraft Command - 7How To Use And Kill All Mobs In Minecraft Command - 45How To Use And Kill All Mobs In Minecraft Command - 70How To Use And Kill All Mobs In Minecraft Command - 69How To Use And Kill All Mobs In Minecraft Command - 14How To Use And Kill All Mobs In Minecraft Command - 6