In this article, we will be sharing four different ways through which you can transfer Google Photos to another account. Keep reading to know how you can send images with great ease!
How to Transfer Google Photos to Another Account
There are several ways you can transfer images from one account to another on Google Photos. Google Photos offers features like Partner Sharing and Shared Album. With these features, you can share individual images or albums to other Google accounts. You could also take a bit longer route by downloading and uploading images on two accounts.You could either use the Google Photos application or website to use these features. However, to individually upload images on Google Photos, you will need to use the web version of Google Photos.
Partner Sharing
Partner Sharing is an amazing feature to share your images on Google Photos. You can share your images with another Google account user. Through this feature, you can either share all of your pictures or customize the images you wish to share. Follow these steps to share your images through Partner Sharing:On BrowserWe suggest you use the website version of Google Photos if you want to share your images through your PC. Here is how you can use Partner Sharing through the web version of Google Photos:The user you’ve sent the invitation link to will be sent an email on their Gmail account. Ask them to click on the invitation to access the images.On MobileIf you’re sharing your images from your mobile phone or tablet, use the application version of Google Photos. If you haven’t already installed the application, go to Play Store for Android and App Store for iOS/iPadOS. Here is how you can share images through the application version of Google Photos:
Create Shared Album
If you want to share images from a similar occasion, you can create a Shared Album. You can share albums on Google Photos by creating shared albums to multiple Google accounts. Here is how you can Create Shared Albums on the Google Photos application and website.On BrowserIf you’re using a PC, use the web version for Google Photos. Here are the instructions to create a shared album on the Google Photos website:On Mobile If you want to create a shared album from your mobile phone or tablet, use the application for Google Photos. Install the Google Photos application from Play Store for Android users and App Store for iOS/iPad OS users. Follow these instructions to Create Shared Album on the Google Photos application:
Download and Upload Media
You can download images from the first Google account and upload them to the second Google account. You can download the images from both the application and web versions. However, to individually upload the images you’ll need to use the web version. For this method, you’ll need to use the Google Photos website. You can access their web version using any browser from both your PC and mobile/tablet. Here are the steps to download and upload media on Google Photos website:
Third-Party Applications
You can also use third-party applications to transfer your media from one user to another. There are many applications like MultiCloud and PhotoSync that transfer your images securely to another user.