But there is more than just feeding the cats some fish and taming them. So without further ado, let us look at the different things they can do in the game, along with how to tame cats in Minecraft.

Where to Find Cats in Minecraft?

It is easy to find cats in the game. You can find cats in villages that come your way. Additionally, if you find a witch’s hut while exploring the game, chances are you may come across a black cat running around the hut.If you’re having trouble finding cats in your village, it’s possible that Minecraft doesn’t recognize them as such. Attempt to attract more villagers to your area or create a villager breeder. Give it some time, and you’ll start noticing wild cats in your village.

How to Tame a Cat in Minecraft?

Taming cats in Minecraft is similar to taming a wolf. But instead of using bones, you need to use raw fish to tame the cat. However, it is best to remember that taming a cat may be a little more complex than taming a wolf. Before taming a cat, please make sure to walk over slowly and not move your camera fast. Doing so will startle the cat and make it run away. 

What are the Types of Cats in Minecraft?

Although there is only one type of cat in Minecraft, there are multiple skins. There are eleven skins for the cat, and each has its name. Here is the list of different cats found in Minecraft.A fun fact about the skin Jellie is that it is the cat’s name of a Youtuber GoodTimesWithScar. After the Twitter community voted for it, Mojang added the skin to the game.

How to Breed a Cat in Minecraft?

You can breed cats in Minecraft by feeding them fish. However, you will need to tame the cats before you can breed them.

What is the Nature of a Tamed Cat?

Taming cats can be very useful in Minecraft. The first reason is that Creepers and Phantoms run away from them. Another reason is that every time you sleep at night, there is a 70% chance your cat will bring you various items as gifts. Here is a list of items your cat can bring to you every morning.It is best to keep in mind that your cats cannot bring you gifts if they sit before you go to sleep. Additionally, if you have multiple cats, the only one who sleeps on your bed will bring you gifts.Another behavior unique to cats in the game is that they may often sit on top of your chests or active furnaces. You will not be able to access such items when the cat sits on them. These annoying behaviors for a cat are in the game to resemble the annoying behavior of the cats in real life.The cats in Minecraft also sit whenever they want to. But you can easily make them stand and follow you by right-clicking on them. If the cats assume the sitting position by themselves, they will stand and come to you if you hold a raw fish in your hand.As for their teleportation nature, the cats will teleport to you if you travel more than 12 blocks away from them. However, they will only teleport if they are standing and not tied to a lead.

How to Use Dye On the Cat?

You can hold the dye in your right hand and right-click on the cat. But using the dye on the cat does not change its color. However, it will change the color of the collar it is wearing. You can change the color of the collar to what you want using the dye of the same color. How To Tame A Cat In Minecraft - 42How To Tame A Cat In Minecraft - 71How To Tame A Cat In Minecraft - 50How To Tame A Cat In Minecraft - 82How To Tame A Cat In Minecraft - 13How To Tame A Cat In Minecraft - 98How To Tame A Cat In Minecraft - 71