Depending on your requirement, there are multiple methods you can apply to display the email you require. Thankfully, we have listed all of those techniques in simple-to-follow steps in this article.
How to Sort Gmail by Date?
Gmail allows you to configure your inbox by using date codes and filters. You can customize the filters so that they display emails before specific years, before and after a specific date, or between two dates. The three possible sorting conditions for dates on Gmail are mentioned below.
Older Than: To find emails older than a day, month, or year. (Examples: 5 days or 6 months)Before: To find Gmails before a date. (Example: Before 2020/1/1)After: To find Gmails after a date: (Example: After 2015/7/7)Between two dates: To find emails between two dates. (Example: After 2020/1/1 Before 2020/1/5)
Sort Emails Older Than a Certain Time Period
If you want to access emails before a certain time period, you can follow the steps mentioned below. You do not need a specific date for such conditions.
Through Search Code
You can use the “Older than” code on your Gmail search bar to sort out emails before a specific time period. Follow the method mentioned below to do so.The 2Y on step 3 refers to two years. So, the command older_than:2Y displays all the emails before two years. To change the time period, simply replace 2Y with another number. Furthermore, you can replace Y with M or D to change the year with months or days.
Through Filter Settings
The filter option on Gmail allows you to create filters with the dates you prefer. By using the “Date within” feature, you can customize your inbox to only display emails before a time period you choose. So, follow the steps mentioned below to do so.On DesktopOn Phone
Sort Email Before or After a Specific Date
The “older than” code on Gmail only filters emails before the specified days, months, or years. However, there are other codes and filters to sort emails for a specific date. Follow the steps mentioned below to use such filters.
Through Search Code
You can look up emails before or after a specific date by using Before and After code. Follow the steps mentioned below to do so.You can replace the date after after: or before: to sort the date you want. These codes work the same for both the desktop version of Gmail as well as the mobile app version.
Through Filter Settings
You can customize the Gmail search filter to view emails before certain weeks or months of a specific date you choose. Also, you can view all the emails within one day (or the time you choose) of the date you set on the filter. Apply this filter using the steps mentioned below.On DesktopWhen you set the date to be filtered to 2 weeks, you can only view emails from the past two months. So, try choosing a time that you want to check emails.
Sort Emails Between Two Dates
In cases where you need to look up emails between two dates, you can use a different search code or customize the search filter differently.
Through Search Code
By using the After: and Before: features together, it is possible to look up emails between two specified dates. So, follow the method mentioned below to look up emails between two specific dates.When you type in after:2020/02/24 before:2020/02/26 on the search bar, your emails between 2020/02/24 and 2020/02/26 will appear on the screen. So, you can change the dates to the ones you prefer to sort out emails within the dates you want.
Through Filter Settings
On your desktop browser, you cannot create a range between two dates using the filter option. However, you can use the custom range feature on the Gmail app on your phone. So, follow the method mentioned below to do so.
How to Sort Your Emails From Oldest to Newest?
You can easily look up your oldest emails if you have a few hundred of them by clicking on the next page icon. However, clicking through hundreds of pages is not a practical solution if you have thousands of emails on your Gmail. In such a situation, you can sort your emails by oldest to newest. Likewise, you can repeat this method to change the setting back to the Newest first.