If you can’t reply at the moment or have your own reasons for not wanting your messages to be seen, we have some techniques that you can try.
How to Read Instagram Messages Without Marked Seen?
Although Instagram does not have the option to mark messages as unread, you can still read messages without the sender’s knowledge. Here are some of the ways.
Read Instagram Notifications
Reading incoming messages from Instagram notifications is the simplest way to know what’s in the messages. This way, the sender won’t know that the message is read. To receive a message preview in the notification, make sure the Instagram notification is on for messages and calls. To read messages from Instagram notifications, follow these steps:
On Mobile
This method is still the easiest if you just want to read the text popping up in your notification bar. Although it can be challenging to read if the message is lengthy or there are several of them, you can get an idea of whether to go through or ignore them.
Disconnect From the Internet to Read the Message
Another way to read the messages is to load the messages and read them offline. Instagram downloads the content automatically when it’s online.
On Mobile
Be very careful to perform this method to avoid reading them online accidentally. Since Instagram doesn’t preload its photos and videos, you might not be able to view them in this manner.
Restrict the Sender’s Account
Restricting the sender’s account is a reliable way to read text messages without letting them know. If you restrict someone, the conversation gets listed in the message request and won’t notify the sender. It will notify if there is any photo or video content in the messages but won’t show them. You also will not receive any notifications when that person comments on your posts or sends you a message.To read the messages after restricting an account:
On Mobile
Use Third-party Apps
You can choose to use third-party apps to read messages without notifying the sender that the message is seen. Some third-party apps are available on the play store and app store that pushes Instagram messages to your email. You can look for such apps for PC as well.