It is always a good idea to disable hyperlinks in Excel before editing content to avoid getting redirected every time you click on a cell with a hyperlink. If you’re looking to remove all hyperlinks on Excel, you’ve reached the right spot! Keep reading this article to learn more about how you can remove all hyperlinks in Excel and how you can avoid getting URLs linked.

The process of removing hyperlinks varies depending on the Excel version you use. To know your Excel version, go to File > Account. You can view your Excel version under Product Information.There is no feature of removing all hyperlinks in the versions prior to the 2010 version. However, we have included a workaround for this problem in this article.

On Excel 2007 and Earlier

As we’ve mentioned, there’s no dedicated feature to remove all hyperlinks from your worksheet. Nevertheless, here is a workaround you can follow to get rid of all hyperlinks on your workbook:This should remove the hyperlinks from the selected cells.

On Excel 2010 and Later

Removing hyperlinks is a breeze if you own the 2010 or later versions of Excel. You can remove hyperlinks in a matter of two clicks.Refer to the following steps if you own the 2010 or later version of MS Excel to remove hyperlinks from your workbook:

There are other ways you can remove hyperlinks from MS Excel. Let’s say you only want to remove a single hyperlink. In that case, you cannot use the steps mentioned above, as they’ll eliminate all the hyperlinks from your workbook.Similarly, you can avoid using hyperlinks altogether by disabling automatic hyperlinks. In this section, we will look into other workarounds to remove hyperlinks from your workbook on Excel.

Removing a single hyperlink is the same for all versions of Excel. To remove a hyperlink from a cell in Excel, simply right-click on the cell with the hyperlink. From the list of options, select Remove Hyperlink.

The program automatically creates a hyperlink whenever you enter a URL in one of the Excel cells. Although this is for a user’s convenience, you can disable it if you like.You can disable automatic hyperlinking from Excel options through these steps:When you enter any URL into your sheets, Excel will not create its hyperlink.

If you’re pasting a link into your Excel sheet, Excel will automatically hyperlink it. You could disable automatic hyperlinks, but what if you didn’t only want your pasted content not to be hyperlinked? In this case, you can remove hyperlinks from Paste Options.Follow these steps to remove hyperlinking from copied URLs on your Excel sheet:Excel will paste the hyperlink on the selected cell.

Use Notepad

If you find using any of the methods mentioned above confusing, we have just the trick for you. Word Processor, such as Notepad, does not support hyperlinks. If you paste any link in such processors, they will automatically convert it to normal text.If you want to convert a sea of hyperlinks into normal text, you can simply copy and paste it to Notepad. Notepad will convert the hyperlink to normal text. Then, you may copy the text and then paste it into your Excel sheet. The link will automatically be converted to normal text in the Excel sheet. How To Remove All Hyperlinks On Excel - 83How To Remove All Hyperlinks On Excel - 91How To Remove All Hyperlinks On Excel - 86How To Remove All Hyperlinks On Excel - 41How To Remove All Hyperlinks On Excel - 92How To Remove All Hyperlinks On Excel - 95How To Remove All Hyperlinks On Excel - 6How To Remove All Hyperlinks On Excel - 98