You can easily reload the chunks to get rid of such problems so that your game runs smoothly. If you do not know how to reload chunks, you can follow the guide below to reload chunks in Minecraft.

How To Reload Chunks In Minecraft?

Reloading Chunks in the Java Edition is very easy. You can hold down the F3 key and press A on your keyboard. The chunks will reload right away as the button combination forces Minecraft to reload all the previously loaded chunks again.The process is very helpful if your chunks are glitching in a server. If reloading chunks does not fix your glitch, exit the world and rejoin it. Doing so will load the chunks again and hopefully remove the glitch.It is best to remember that the process mentioned above is Java exclusive. There is no shortcut or command to reload the chunks in Minecraft. So, the best approach is to leave the game or the server you are in and re-enter. You can also restart the game if exiting and entering the world or the server does not work.

How Can I See the Chunks In Minecraft?

You can see the chunks around you in Minecraft by holding the F3 button and pressing the G key. You will be able to see borders around the chunks that will help you distinguish the different chunks in your world.A red vertical line in all the corners separates the chunks. But, the chunk you are in will have blue lines in the corners and yellow and blue lines on each block horizontally, displaying a cage-like pattern. 

How Big Are Chunks In Minecraft?

As mentioned earlier, the chunks are 16 by 16 blocks wide spaces that the map generator uses to generate the world. However, the chunk includes all the blocks in it vertically, including air making it 384 blocks high. Furthermore, it has 98,304 blocks in total.

What Are Minecraft Spawn Chunks?

Spawn chunks are the chunks around the world spawn point. You can set it by using a command, or it automatically sets it at the place you spawned first. The unique feature about the spawn point is that it always stays loaded no matter how far you move.For instance, If your settings are set to load 12 chunks, and you move 20 chunks away from the first chunk, you will unload every chunk you previously loaded. The process helps the game to create more space for the new chunks. However, the spawn chunk is an exception to this mechanic, which is always saved in the memory.So, if you have some Redstone compartment at the spawn chunk, it will constantly keep going no matter where you are in the Overworld. Unfortunately, a lot of activity at the spawn chunk may cause your game to lag as it takes up extra memory on the RAM.

How to Keep a Chunk Loaded In Minecraft?

The easiest way to keep a chunk loaded is by continuously dropping items and entities in that chunk using a Nether Portal, Dispensers, and Redstone circuit. However, things can be quite complicated while doing so.Another way you can keep one or more chunks loaded is by making a circuit that starts in your spawn chunk. But the major drawback is that the chunk you want to keep loaded may be quite far from the spawn chunk. Hence, all the chunks on the way also have to stay loaded.

Can I reset Chunks in Minecraft?

There is no way to reset your chunks in Minecraft directly. However, you can do so by installing third-party applications. Also, please keep in mind that resetting your chunks means deleting everything you have done in the world. Your world will reset to the way it was first generated. You can backup your world beforehand so that you do not lose any progress in case something unexpected happens while resetting.

How to Delete Chunks in Minecraft?

Deleting chunks can be very handy in Minecraft, especially if you are playing an older version and continue your progress. You can delete the previously loaded chunks and regenerate ones in the newer versions.Sadly, Minecraft does not have a built-in feature to delete chunks. But, you can use third-party applications and plugins, such as MCEdit and MCA Selector. However, each has its unique process and is quite complicated in some cases.Hence, if you use these applications to delete and regenerate chunks, it is best to look at detailed tutorials beforehand. You can also create a backup for your world so that you do not lose any progress accidentally.

Why Are My Chunks Loading Slowly?

If you have a maximum chunk rendering distance (16 chunks, more if you are using OptiFine), then you can see your chunks loading very slowly. They may not even load at all in some cases. It mainly occurs because you are trying to load maximum chunks simultaneously.You can easily avoid such circumstances by lowering your chunk render distance in the settings. If you believe you have a minimum render distance, try giving Minecraft more RAM access by using the Minecraft Launcher. You can do so by using the Edit option for the game version and changing the JVM argument Xmx2G (default for 2 GB RAM usage) to Xmx4G. Changing the 2G in the argument to 4G lets Minecraft use 4 gigabytes of RAM instead of 2 from your PC.However, if you are still facing lags while loading chunks, try force reloading the chunks by pressing F3 + A. Restarting the world also reloads the chunks in your game. How To Reload Chunks In Minecraft - 88How To Reload Chunks In Minecraft - 44How To Reload Chunks In Minecraft - 13How To Reload Chunks In Minecraft - 41