Unfortunately, if the game has its own launcher, then it is not possible to play such games in offline mode on Steam. Furthermore, there are various games that require the initial online activation to start up the game, and then only you will be able to play the game offline.In this article, we will find out ways to play steam games without going online.

How to Play Steam Games Offline

In order to play games offline, you can’t simply just open the Steam without the internet and go on playing your favorite games. You must be aware of all the prerequisites and make sure you get all things right before moving to Offline mode. At first, make sure you have not saved the account credentials on your PC. Saving account credentials will disable the offline mode. Then, you should download the additional files required for the proper functioning of the game. Additionally, remember to tick on Remember my password in the initial login to the Steam.Now, let’s check each of them in detail.

Don’t Save Account Credentials on This Computer

You must uncheck Don’t save account credentials on this computer on the steam as this prevents the Steam to go to offline mode. Here is a procedure to uncheck.

Update the Game or Download the Additional Files

When you move to offline mode, there is no way you can download the additional files or upgrade your game. You won’t be able to play games in offline modes if the game lacks any of the essential files. So, you must be wary about the game files and updates before going to Offline mode. Here’re the steps to update or download additional game files if there are any.

Play Steam Games Offline

Here’re the steps you can follow to go offline in steam:

How to Fix Steam Not Going Online After Staying in Offline Mode?

After you move to the offline mode, the steam gets stuck in this mode and takes time or won’t go online. There are a various contributing factor that causes this problem and some of the causes areThis is the big problem if you won’t be able to go back online on the Steam. You cannot play multiplayer games or co-op with your friends if the steam does not have online access. Here are the solutions to fix this problem.

Check Steam Server Status

Sometimes the Steam server may go down due to several issues in the Steam. But, there is nothing you can do than just wait and see when the issue will be solved. If the server status is okay but steam refuses to go online, then move on to the fixes below. 

Reset Winsock

You can also reset Winsock to solve this problem. Resetting Winsock undoes the previous faulty configurations and resets the Winsock catalog. Here are the stepsyou need to follow:Now, reset your system and try to go online.

Make Changes to Your Shortcut

Using -TCP rather than -UDP is more useful and reliable. And this fix almost works all the time. You just need to add -TCP in the steam shortcut. Here is the way to add -TCP.

Clear Download Cache

You can also try clearing the cache of the Steam. Clearing your cache file would not affect your installed game, but you need to re-enter login credentials. Here are the step to clear the cache:

Uninstall and Re-install the Steam

Sometimes, the files may be corrupted on the steam. The corrupted files may cause various problems including this one. Try uninstalling the steam and reinstalling it. Here is the process to uninstall the game:Restart your PC and go to the Steam official website and download it.

Is It Possible to Change Visibility on the Steam?

If you want to get out of the online radar and have a solo gaming experience, Steam lets you be on offline mode. With that, your friends or family will not send you any messages or invitations to play the game. Here are the steps to be Offline on the Steam. How To Play Steam Games Offline - 9How To Play Steam Games Offline - 31How To Play Steam Games Offline - 22How To Play Steam Games Offline - 31How To Play Steam Games Offline - 62How To Play Steam Games Offline - 85How To Play Steam Games Offline - 30How To Play Steam Games Offline - 90How To Play Steam Games Offline - 86How To Play Steam Games Offline - 45