If you’ve landed on this page, we assume you’re interested in creating a dropdown list in Google Sheets. In this article, we have presented detailed instructions on how you could use Data Validation to create a dropdown list on Google Sheets so keep reading!

How to Make Dropdown List in Google Sheets

There are two ways you could use Data Validation in Google Sheets to create a drop-down menu. You could either add a new list of data or existing data from the sheet as your options for the drop-down menu.Refer to the following steps to create a Dropdown list in Google Sheets:You can expand the cell with validation to the corresponding rows and/or columns using Flash Fill. Simply place your cursor on the bottom-right corner of the cell and drag across the row or column. 

How to Apply Formatting in the Dropdown List?

You could apply conditional formatting to your list to make it look better. For example, you may have created a dropdown list to update the status of a lead. You could format the Confirmed status as green, Pending as yellow, and Rejected as red.If you’re interested in using conditional formatting in the dropdown list, follow these steps:After applying the settings, every time you select the formatted value, the cell is filled with the set color. 

How to Edit or Delete Dropdown List?

You could easily create changes or remove the dropdown list from your spreadsheet. To clear or edit the dropdown list, you will have to alter or remove the data validation you have applied on the cell. Refer to the following steps if your wish to edit or delete the dropdown list you created through Data validation: How To Make Dropdown List In Google Sheets - 68How To Make Dropdown List In Google Sheets - 33How To Make Dropdown List In Google Sheets - 14How To Make Dropdown List In Google Sheets - 38How To Make Dropdown List In Google Sheets - 41How To Make Dropdown List In Google Sheets - 27How To Make Dropdown List In Google Sheets - 87How To Make Dropdown List In Google Sheets - 93How To Make Dropdown List In Google Sheets - 25How To Make Dropdown List In Google Sheets - 7How To Make Dropdown List In Google Sheets - 19How To Make Dropdown List In Google Sheets - 81How To Make Dropdown List In Google Sheets - 79