To make carrot cake in minecraft, you’ll have to try out modding before you even get started tracking down all the components.

Carrot Cake Attributes

You can set down your carrot cake like any block in the world. One cake makes eight slices. Each slice gives you back two hunger. 

Adding Carrot Cake to the Game

You need to use the mod Harvest Craft 1 or 2 to add carrot cake to the game. Each has a slightly different recipe for carrot cake, but the final product is the same. Here is how you do it.

Making Carrot Cake Minecraft

Once you have all the ingredients, simply place them in the following order in the grid:

Harvest Craft 1

Harvest Craft 2

Once the process is complete, you’ll have carrot cake. 

Getting the Ingredients

Before you start to make your cake, prepare all the other ingredients you need. 


There’s more than one way to find a carrot in Minecraft.

One option is to grow them yourself in farmland. You have to have a carrot to start a carrot farm, but it will yield the most considerable amount of carrots by far. Plant the carrot in the farm plot and then leave it to grow. It may take some time. You don’t want to harvest it before you start seeing the orange part of the carrot appear above the soil.Once you have a carrot farm, keep it going to make more carrots. You’ll get more than the number of plots you use. Replant the ones that fit and keep the extras for recipes and the like. You can also explore and search for a village. There’s a 20 percent chance that a village farm plot will have carrots. It might take a while to find a village that has suitable crops. However, you’ll find other valuable items, and it’s worth your time to explore villages even if you don’t get carrots right away.Some mobs also drop carrots. Zombies, husks, and zombie villagers all have a slight chance to drop a carrot if a player or a tamed wolf kills them. There’s a less than 4 percent chance even with a higher looting level, so this might be the slowest way to obtain them. You’ll also get relatively few at a time. Pillager outposts and shipwrecks have a chance to include carrots in items they drop. You can also get them from the bonus chests in the Bedrock Edition. 


Getting honey in Harvest Craft 1 is quite a process.In Harvest Craft 2, you can craft honey from candleberries.You can also use sugar in place of honey if you prefer. 


Sugar and honey are interchangeable in all Harvest Craft recipes.Here are ways to get sugar.In Harvest Craft 1:

Place a piece of sugarcane in the center square on the crafting grid.Place a pot on the upper-left square and honey on the upper-middle square.Place a pot on the upper-left square and agave on the upper-middle square.

You can make a pot by placing a stick in the upper-left square and filling the upper-middle, upper-right, mid-middle, and mid-right squares with bricks. In Harvest Craft 2:

Place one agave piece in both the upper-left and upper-middle square of the crafting grid.Place one beetroot in both the upper-left and upper-middle square of the crafting grid.

In Harvest Craft 2, you get two sugars for each of the recipes.


To make the dough, you need a mixing bowl, salt, flour, and freshwater.


The batter is the alternative to the dough and is used in the carrot cake recipe for Harvest Recipes 2. 


You have to use bakeware in both versions of Harvest Craft. You can use it in many other recipes other than carrot cake.Luckily, bakeware is extremely easy to make. Leave the center square of the crafting grid empty and fill every other square with an ordinary brick. You will be left with bakeware when the process is complete. Cooking anything on Minecraft can take a lot of preparation and work, but resulting foods like carrot cake will help you whether you’re exploring or engaging in battles. Having your own farms and livestock can help make the process swifter.  How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 70How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 22How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 52How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 53How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 68How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 13How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 88How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 10How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 90How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 84How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 46How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 89How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 86How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 32How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 11How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 9How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 54How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 37How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 26How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 13How To Make Carrot Cake In Minecraft - 64