Bleach is a unique item that you can find after the update. You can use it to decolor bed, carpet, or wool, similar to real life. However, getting Bleach might be hard as you cannot get it through the cheats or use the creative menu.But worry not, we have discussed below the best way to get Bleach in Minecraft and some uses of it.

How to Make Bleach in Minecraft?

Bleach is a compound you can create in the lab table by mixing water and Sodium Hypochlorite. You can use it to dye items in white. You can easily obtain water by using a bucket or a glass bottle. You can also create the water compound in the Compound Creator by combining two Hydrogen and one Oxygen element.To obtain Sodium Hypochlorite, you can combine Sodium, Chlorine, and Oxygen in the Compound Creator. It is best to remember that you will need to use commands in order to get the Coumpond Creator in Survival mode.Once you have the necessary items, you can head over to the Lab Table. You can obtain the Lab Table only by using commands if you are in survival mode. Now, you can follow the process below to make Bleach in Minecraft:

How Can I Use Bleach In Minecraft?

As mentioned above, you can use Bleach to color some items white. The main items you can use Bleach on are wool, bed, banner, and carpets. Let’s look at using Bleach on a colored bed for ease of demonstration.

Is Bleach an Item in Minecraft?

Bleach is an item you can create in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. However, the item is exclusive to Education Edition. It was released in 2016 so that the game can be easier to use in classrooms. The special edition of Minecraft is filled with features that you can use to learn real-life ideas exclusively.

Where Can You Find the Lab Table in Minecraft?

You cannot find the Lab Table in the game if you are in Survival mode. So, you will have to use the command to get it. You can easily find it in the creative menu if you are in creative mode.

How to Get Education Edition in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition?

If you are playing the game in Windows 10, Xbox One, mobile, or Nintendo Switch, you can activate the Education Edition through the options while creating or loading a world.However, it is best to remember that the game will automatically back up your game as the chemistry feature may crash your saved world. How To Get Bleach In Minecraft  - 25How To Get Bleach In Minecraft  - 60How To Get Bleach In Minecraft  - 51