If you’re dealing with a similar problem, you’ve reached the right place for assistance. This article will discuss the causes and fixes behind the black and white login screen issue. Keep reading this article to get the issue fixed in no time.

What Causes Microsoft Teams to go Blank?

How to Fix Microsoft Teams Black and White Login Screen Issue?

The first solution you can try is to run MS Teams to be compatible with a later version of Windows. Most users reported that changing the compatibility to Windows 7 worked best for them. However, you can also try it out with other versions.Here are some of the causes of the Black and White Login Screen issue in Windows:

In-app BugsIncorrect System Time ZoneProblem with .exe File.GPU Preferences Credential Manager ProblemCorrupted Program FilesCache Memory

Alongside changing compatibility, we have also mentioned other fixes you can try to fix the blank screen issue on MS Teams.

End Task for Teams

Sometimes, the application runs a malicious bug that can cause the Teams app to malfunction. In this case, you will have to end the application from your Task Manager and restart it.Here are the steps you can follow to end the task for Microsoft Teams on your Windows:

Change Compatibility

You can change the Windows compatibility to run the Teams application on the Windows 7 version. In most cases, Teams gets back to working normally after switching the Windows compatibility. Follow these steps to change the compatibility of your MS Teams application:

Correct System Time Zone

It is a good idea to check if the date and time your system is running are accurate. If your system reads an inaccurate date and time, it may interfere with data transmission from your system to the Microsoft Teams server.If you see a problem with the accuracy of your system’s date and time, set the date and time as automatic. This may solve the black and white issue on MS Teams login screen. Follow these steps to change the time zone on your Windows:

Change the Executable File

The Teams shortcut may be using a different .exe file to run Teams. In most cases, the shortcut is actually running an update and the actual executable file. You can delete the shortcut leading to a different executable file. Then, you can create a new shortcut that leads to the actual Teams executable file. Before you proceed, remember to end task for MS Teams.Follow these steps to create a new shortcut for the Teams application:

Change GPU Preferences

Some users have also reported the blank login screen issue when MS Teams was set to run on an external graphics card. You can try switching to an integrated graphics card and try running the Teams application.Here are the steps you can follow to change your GPU preferences for the Teams app:

Clear Password From Credential Manager

Did you recently change your Microsoft Teams password? There may be a problem with the login screen because Windows failed to update your password in the credential manager. You can easily fix this issue by removing your Microsoft credentials from the credential manager.Follow these steps to remove your password from the credential manager:

Remove Cache Memory

Most application-related issues are related to the clutter of cache memory. When you leave too big of cache memory in your app storage, your application tends to slow down and act laggy. This is because it leaves less room for the app to perform its basic processing. Your login screen may appear blank because of the cache memory that got piled up. You can clear the cache memory following these steps:

Repair/Reset Teams App

Your application may have corrupt or missing program files that may be causing issues in running the app properly. If none of the above mentioned steps help, we recommend you to either repair or reset your Teams application to fix this issue.When you repair the app, your system will replace the missing or corrupted files with a new copy. You don’t lose data when you repair your app. However, resetting will wipe your data from the Teams app.Refer to the following steps to repair or reset your Teams app:

Re-install Teams

You may be facing this issue because your previous installation of the Teams app had failed. When your installations get interrupted, your installed application will have several issues in it.If repairing or resetting your Teams app doesn’t help, your last resort is to re-install the Teams app. Re-installing the application will give a clean slate for your application to run its code, eliminating the chances of any bugs or corrupted files. Follow these steps first to uninstall your Teams app:Head to Microsoft’s official website to re-install the MS Teams app. Follow the on-screen instructions to set your application up.  How To Fix Blank Screen  Black Or White  Issue On Microsoft Teams - 86How To Fix Blank Screen  Black Or White  Issue On Microsoft Teams - 73How To Fix Blank Screen  Black Or White  Issue On Microsoft Teams - 80How To Fix Blank Screen  Black Or White  Issue On Microsoft Teams - 21How To Fix Blank Screen  Black Or White  Issue On Microsoft Teams - 26How To Fix Blank Screen  Black Or White  Issue On Microsoft Teams - 60How To Fix Blank Screen  Black Or White  Issue On Microsoft Teams - 40How To Fix Blank Screen  Black Or White  Issue On Microsoft Teams - 32How To Fix Blank Screen  Black Or White  Issue On Microsoft Teams - 4How To Fix Blank Screen  Black Or White  Issue On Microsoft Teams - 77How To Fix Blank Screen  Black Or White  Issue On Microsoft Teams - 66How To Fix Blank Screen  Black Or White  Issue On Microsoft Teams - 90How To Fix Blank Screen  Black Or White  Issue On Microsoft Teams - 68How To Fix Blank Screen  Black Or White  Issue On Microsoft Teams - 38