But worry not, there is an easy way to check your purchase history in Valorant. If you too, like many others, are looking for a way, you can read below to find out how to do so.

Checking Valorant’s Purchase History

Since you cannot see the amount and the items you bought in the game, you will need to go to Valorant’s official support website by Riot Games. Once you are on the page, ensure you are logged in. If you are not, you will see a Log In button instead of the Get My Purchase History button. You can follow the step-by-step guide below to get the records of the items you bought:You will be able to see the list of all the times you made a purchase along with the money you spent next to it. Additionally, you can also see the Valorant Points you added or subtracted due to the purchase along with the payment method.You can see the list of information you can see on the page below along with a picture that follows:Hopefully, you are more aware of your Valorant expenses and now can easily keep track of all the money you invest in the game.

Changed Your Mind? Check the Refund Policy of Valorant Below

Valorant also has a refund process that you can use in case you use your mind. However, it is best to remember that you can only refund the Valorant points or the skins you bought within 14 days of the purchase.So, if you have a change of heart about getting an Agent with the Valorant points, please make sure that you do not use the points and follow the refund process before 14 days of the purchase.You can go through the refund policy set by Riot Games below:These are the key points to remember when buying Valorant points to buy Agents or to refund the points you bought. You can always go to the policy website of Riot Games to ensure you fit the criteria before taking any important steps. How To Check Valorant Purchase History - 61How To Check Valorant Purchase History - 44