Congratulations on your new job title! This article will show you how to update this accomplishment on LinkedIn.

Should I Add My Promotions on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a platform for you to connect with professionals around the globe. Adding your promotion not only notifies your network but exposes you to greater career opportunities. It helps you get exposed through the LinkedIn algorithm and is a unique way of showcasing future recruiters as dedicated and ambitious.

How to Add a Promotion on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is available to use in the form of an application and website. You can update your new job title by visiting your account settings on LinkedIn. Here are the instructions to add your promotion on LinkedIn. 

Add Promotion on the LinkedIn Application

You can install the LinkedIn application from Playstore for Android and Appstore for iOS. To update your promotion on the application, follow these steps: 

Add Promotion on the LinkedIn Website 

LinkedIn has a website you can use to network with professionals. You can access the site with any browser by browsing To add your promotion using LinkedIn’s website, follow these instructions: 

How to Publicise Your Promotion?

It is important to let your promotion be known to as many people as possible. This increases your value among your network and leaves room for more networking. To let your existing network know about your promotion, toggle on Notify Network before entering Save. This will push notifications to the connections you’ve made on LinkedIn about your new job title. Share your promotion by creating a post on your LinkedIn account. The post will be displayed on the feed of your connections and users that follow you. Engagements in the status will push the post to more of your contacts and your profile to newer professionals.

How to Create an Attractive LinkedIn Account? 

LinkedIn is the modern-day portfolio. You can add all of your skills, achievements, and education to get a job. A well updated LinkedIn profile is much more likely to be selected for a job than an unkempt one. Here are a few tips for you to make your LinkedIn account more attractive: 

Add a Display Picture 

Updating a display picture may sound not as significant, but it gives the recruiter an insight into your personal branding. A good display picture leaves a good impression on anyone who views your profile. 

A Good Description

You can let visitors know more about yourself through your About section. Write about your strengths as a professional but do not limit yourself to that. You want your personality to reflect not just your work. Include hobbies and soft skills that can act as assets while applying to any job.

Appropriate Headline 

Use the headline feature to tell the users visiting your profile about what you do. Try sticking to a professional job title you are currently involved in or seek to pursue. 

Include Name Pronunciation 

Adding your pronunciation will make it easier for recruiters to approach you. It will also make you look approachable, which is always a great asset while adding a member to the team.

Update Your Education

Most job positions require you to complete a specific level of education. If you haven’t updated your education qualification, you may be missing out on many career opportunities. 

Update Experience 

It is always good to have sufficient experience in a related field. It helps develop confidence in the employer that you are a good fit for the job. Many recruiters hire experienced individuals to save time in training the new recruits. Always update your experience to leave a lasting impression on potential recruiters. 

Add Skills 

Skills are great assets to possess in the hiring process—mention both your hard skills and soft skills under Skills on LinkedIn. Take a skill quiz to prove your skills to impress potential recruiters.  How To Add A Promotion On LinkedIn - 72How To Add A Promotion On LinkedIn - 21How To Add A Promotion On LinkedIn - 8