The game is huge, with many characters and mechanics, and worlds. While you play the game, you will have many materials like Accessories, Gear, Engravings, and Quest Rewards to buff your character.There is also a Card mechanic in the game, which can buff your character. These cards are available, and you can get them from early game. But as in the earlier rounds, these cards do not contribute too much to the character; they get neglected. If you get the right set of cards to equip, it will give a massive boost to your character. This guide will discuss all you need to know about cards in Lost Ark.

What are Cards in Lost Ark? And How Do They Work?

As the name suggests, cards in Lost Ark are rectangular cards that you can get from various content drops or buy from the market. They are like collectibles in the game, which go to your Card Catalog in the Roster Menu.Every card is unique. Each card gives you a bonus for a specific stat like Attack, Defense, HP, etc. Some cards offer more than one stat bonus. These cards can be equipped to your characters’ Card Deck. Upon equipping cards, you will get the bonus the card is offering.You can see a character, object, artifact, or someplace from the game in every card. To get the high bonus effect on your character, you must build an effective Card Deck.Card Deck has six slots and has three different deck options. So, you can use six cards in each deck and use any deck as you wish. So how do you see this Card Deck? Follow these steps:At the left, you will see some card sets with their names on top and “Set Effect Details.”  Here you can also see which cards you have. If you have the card, it will glow. Else the cards are grey. If you click on “Set Effect Details,” you will see some stats. This shows which stats you will get if you get cards from the set equipped. For Example, if you have two cards of Pirate Generation equipped, you will get “Damage +100% to Lucky Monsters”. In this way, you will see the stats you will get upon equipping the preferred number of cards for your preferred stats.To equip the cards, follow these steps:You can swap the cards once you equip them. So, you can equip any card you get at first. But after getting loads of cards, you can choose the best six out of them. Also, you can equip them in a systematic way to get the Bonus Effects. This is how the card system works in Lost Ark. You may think that cards contribute a very small portion to buff the character. But they are very important and with the right cards are a huge deal.Games like Marvel Future Revolution (Mobile Game) emphasize cards from early games if you are familiar with the game. It should be the case in Lost Ark too. So, look out for cards wherever you can get them. Now let’s see where you can farm these cards.

Where Can You Farm Cards?

As already mentioned, you will start getting cards from the early game. After completing the quests of the main storyline, you will get card drops. You can also get cards from some side quests. Exploring Islands and doing islands quests also give you some cards. If you see a merchant and want cards, you can also buy cards from the merchant.There is also the rarity in cards, i.e., Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. As the rarity increases, the bonus the card provides also increases.But these card drops are random. You can get any card, also those which you don’t want. The best way to get the cards you want is to see the card you wish to from Codex.Codex has all the cards information in it. To open Codex, press “ALT + D.” In codex, you can get information about Accessories, Special Equipment, Engravings, etc. Navigate to Cards, and you will see a list of cards.Click on the Card you want, and on the right side, you will see the Acquisition tab. Under the tab, you will know where you can get that card. This way, you can farm your preferred card.Here are some in-game contents to get cards with good stats boost.Dungeons, Raids, and Abyss, give you better cards if your level is high and you play high-level content. Once you get a card, you can upgrade it too. Upgrading your card will upgrade your stats more. So, upgrading Cards is important in Lost Ark.

Upgrading Cards in Lost Ark

It is very easy to upgrade Cards in Lost Ark. Each card has five grey slots under the card. These are the upgrade levels of the card. To upgrade the cards, you have to fill the slots. Each time a space is filled, the bonus stat increases. These slots below the card are called Awakening Level.Now follow these steps to upgrade and awaken the cards:This way, you can enhance the cards in Lost Ark. As your Awakening Level increases, the Experience points needed to upgrade the card and the number of Duplicate of the same card you also need increases.So, to enhance a card to its maximum level, you need a total of 15 Cards.

Books Tab in Card Catalog

In the books tab in Card Catalog, you will find all the records of the cards. You can see only the ones you have and other cards in the game. This tab keeps a record of all the cards in the game. Also, you will see the names of sets of the card on the left. All these sets required a certain number of cards. Upon completing the set of cards, you will get a permanent stat boost. Even if you delete the card from your inventory, the stats will remain. So it is like the card collection stat bonus for you. You can see which sets give you the stats you need and go for the cards in the set. This is all that you need to know about the cards in Lost Ark. Cards are important as they are for your whole roster, which means your Alt Characters can also use them. The stat bonus applies to your other characters in the roster too. So, even without playing, you can give your Alt Characters stat boost.  Complete Cards Guide For Lost Ark - 65Complete Cards Guide For Lost Ark - 51Complete Cards Guide For Lost Ark - 81Complete Cards Guide For Lost Ark - 36Complete Cards Guide For Lost Ark - 15Complete Cards Guide For Lost Ark - 30