And keeping in mind all the factors that come to play, we researched the vast corners of the internet to bring you our rankings of the best maps in Valorant to play on: ranked in order. So without further ado, let’s jump right to it.

Best Valorant Maps Ranked in Order

From Haven to Breeze, we created the list of maps from least to best, depending on different playstyle and player’s preference.


Ascent is probably the most preferred map in Valorant, mostly due to its overall versatile playstyle. The map gives you excellent control over the areas, and using your abilities is easy to control and execute in callouts such as Mid. Additionally, the mechanical doors that lead to the bomb sites can also greatly benefit you, especially if you are defending. The map does not let either one of the teams get the upper hand, so the game is always perfectly balanced.So, whether you are a long-range shooter or a short-range gunner, you will surely have a ton of fun playing on this map.Talking about the callouts in Ascent, there are about 20 different locations, which you can see in the picture of the map above. These callouts make it easier for you to communicate with your teammates and create lineups that help you win the game.


Bind is a unique map that does not have a mid section. Instead, it has two bomb sites and two one-way teleporters that help you move around faster. However, using the portals will make an audible sound across the map. Players seem to love playing on the map with such a unique feature. Attackers also can push more easily due to the direct paths to the bombsites. Even if you are playing as a defender, it can be easy to flank the enemy team because of the map’s layout.Likewise, the map does not handicap anyone with a unique playstyle. Hence, you can always create or follow lineups, play short-range or long-range, and expect to have a ton of fun.


Split is one of those maps where your win heavily depends on how well your short-range is and how good your fragging skills are. The map gives the defenders an upper hand, mostly due to the number of ascenders present on the map. However, if you balance your team and use a couple of Sentinels, you can definitely smoke your way out of any tight corners.So if you love short-range fights, then you can certainly opt for Split, smoke the small hallways, and bring out your S-grade grenade lineups to dominate the map.If you are unsure about callouts of the map, you can take a look at the picture above and find out the names of all the locations on the map. While talking about the callouts, it is best to remember that the map also has multiple levels where your enemy might have set up a trap.


Breeze can be the favorite map for the Operator players due to its broadness. The large map has a lot of open areas, including the two wide Spike sites. You can easily round up a lot of headshots in Breeze, but if your aim is not very accurate, it can be quite challenging to breeze through the map. Additionally, you can also see this map in a lot of esports games, and the professionals have a wonderful time.The long alleyways and open areas are the highlights of this game, and it also lets not-so-popular agents such as Yoru, who might outrank the rest.You can look at the callouts of this map above to give yourself in-depth knowledge about the layouts so that you know where to snipe from and which area to avoid when you play solo.


If you are someone who loves gunfights overusing the agents’ abilities, then Icebox might be what you are looking for. The snow-covered land and a lot of vertical structure do not give players many opportunities to perform their abilities perfectly.Instead, the map brings out the traditional FPS gunfights to your footsteps. Gain control of the map using the horizontal ziplines at A site, or make use of the close corners and tight angles to create the best working strategy.If you are debating about which agent would be perfect for this map, you can always keep in mind the versatile agents like Jett or Raze. They are easy to move around the map and can give you a great advantage while playing on the attacking side.However, the corners and tight angles also give defenders a bang for their buck. Such areas make it easier to hide from the attackers and defend the entry points to the spike sites. It is best to understand the callouts of Icebox as in the picture above to make your gameplay easier.


Haven has a lot of mixed reviews on the internet. Some players equally love and hate the map. The main reason for its varied preference is because it has three spike points instead of the usual two.But what makes this map so interesting is the ability to use multiple strategies depending on your playstyle. You can also take advantage of the numerous entry points to flank your enemies, confuse them, or even push through to a single spike site. Attacking can be of a great advantage due to the vast size of the map.Things can be a bit different if you are on the defender’s side because of the same reason. Since attackers can push through to any site, it can seem almost impossible to defend every spike side at the same time. Nevertheless, you can easily gain the upper hand even while defending with proper planning, strategy, agents, and lineups.Since the map is huge, there can be different strat and lineups based on your agent preference and playstyle. You can also check out our guide to Haven along with the best agents and lineup for the map if you want to learn more about it.


Fracture is the newest map yet, probably with the unique spawn. Unlike the usual spawn where attackers and defenders spawn at the opposite ends of the map, Fracture puts the defenders in the middle of the map, giving them the option to divide and guard both the spike sites. Additionally, there are two ziplines that take you to the other side of the map. These one-way ziplines can be of utmost importance to the attackers as it takes them right under the defender’s spawn point.Another unique feature of this map is that there are four orbs spread out instead of the traditional two. The map is fairly new, so you may not be accustomed to the callouts of the area. So, you can take a look at the map above and the list of all the callouts below so that you can include them in your strategy and win every time you play in Fracture.Apart from these maps, you use an extra map while practicing, called The Range. You can’t play against others on this map, but you can use it to practice your parkour and abilities. The Range can be your best bet if you want to practice an agent and their abilities, along with your shooting and flanking skills.

How Many Maps Are There in Valorant?

There are total seven maps in the game, with Fracture as its newest addition. Additionally, there is another map called The Range that you use to practice.

What Are the Coordinates Shown While Loading a Map in Valorant?

The maps in the game have a real-life location. And the coordinates that you see in the loading screen while loading the map are the location of the place in the real world. You can see the list of maps and their coordinates next to them below:

Which Is the Best Valorant Map?

Since each player has a unique playstyle and aptitude of an agent, it can be quite taxing to figure out which is the best map for you. But looking at the overall aspects, Ascent may be the best map you can start on. It balances both attacker and defender sides, whether you are an operator user or not. Likewise, the conditions for controlling the locations of the map and pushing are also equal for both sides. At the end of the day, everything in Ascent funnels down to having the most preferred area for gunfights. Best Valorant Map Ranked - 10Best Valorant Map Ranked - 30Best Valorant Map Ranked - 51Best Valorant Map Ranked - 50Best Valorant Map Ranked - 66Best Valorant Map Ranked - 78Best Valorant Map Ranked - 95Best Valorant Map Ranked - 89Best Valorant Map Ranked - 56Best Valorant Map Ranked - 7Best Valorant Map Ranked - 10Best Valorant Map Ranked - 49Best Valorant Map Ranked - 51Best Valorant Map Ranked - 26Best Valorant Map Ranked - 81