Based on how well these agents have been doing in the current patch, we have created a list to rank them according to their tier. While this list is based purely based on my personal experience, it should be pretty accurate for the current meta.

S-Tier Agents


Coming into the new patch, people might have expected some big changes in the game. However, that’s not the case for our stylish agent Mr. Chamber as he sits on the top of this list with his ability to completely take over the game. Fighting 1v5 seems very easy when you’re playing as this bad boy.With the ability to play both defensive and offensive styles, he dominates on every map. With his insanely strong heavy pistol, Headhunter, and teleportation ability, Rendezvous, you can be sure that you are in and out of the battle like a ninja. And his custom sniper, Tour De Force, ensures that no enemy can get away once you catch them.A good Chamber player can solo carry you to victory with his offensive plays while also defending the team from enemy flanks.


This Korean beauty will pierce your heart with both her abilities and her beauty quite literally. Ever since her release, she has been consistent in all ranks and maps. Despite several nerfs, she has received, she is still the best duelist in the game.Jett players know how busted she is in the right hands. With her smokes, she can easily create confusion among the enemies. And even if you mess up your aim and can’t finish off your target, you can easily escape with Tailwind ability and reposition to take another shot. Her ultimate ability is also one of the best in the game, giving you the opportunity to wipe out the entire enemy team single-handedly.


The humanoid robot, Kay/O, is not here to mess around in this patch. He can cause mayhem on the battlefield with his crowd-control abilities. Being the only agent with a suppression ability, he has quickly risen to popularity in all ranks.Kay/O works well with every agent in the game. With his abilities, he can quickly turn the tide of a game in an instant. He can use long-range flashes without getting himself in danger while also controlling the enemy agents. And his ultimate can render the enemy team useless as getting caught by that ability means you won’t be getting to use your own abilities for a short time. This gives your team the perfect moment and time to quickly clean up the area.


Viper is a must-have agent in your team if you’re playing on certain maps. And with the addition of the new map, Pearl, it looks like she would be the ideal agent on this one as well. Her abilities are good at any point of the game, and she is also a great agent to create diversions for enemy teams. And on top of that, she has a god-like ultimate that makes her able to completely hold off a site alone. Although, you might want to queue with your friends if you want to take full advantage of her abilities.

A-Tier Agents


Fade is a great initiator to have on the team. She is becoming more popular in ranked matches with every patch. She can quickly scan the area for enemy players as well as provide good crowd control with her abilities. With her Seize ability, she can control a number of enemy players and give your team that much-needed space to close the gap. Her Haunt ability comes in handy to reveal enemies that are hiding behind the corners to surprise you. And her ultimate ability, Nightfall, makes sure that enemies can’t escape your grasp even when hiding behind walls. However, you might need to practice a lot if you want to use her properly in battles.


Some players might argue with Sova being on the A-tier. However, Sova is frequently being replaced by agents who offer more versatility to the team. But, he can still be useful depending on the team compositions and have his moments in the right hands.He still does a pretty good job of locating enemies as well as taking them down when given a chance. His Owl Drone ability does an amazing job of tracking down enemies, and wall piercing ultimate can kill enemies that are hard to reach. However, like all initiators, he is also very hard to master and needs a lot of practice to be useful.


Neon can wreak havoc on the battlefield with her electrifying speed and abilities. She quickly dashes in and out of the battle with her electric abilities while also killing any enemies on sight. However, her abilities draw a lot of attention, making her prone to dying quicker than her team.She is a great agent to have on the team, offering both offense and defense. On the right hand, she can completely pop off and take over the game. But her abilities can also hinder the performance of the team if not used properly. Her abilities are kind of unique so make sure to communicate with your team if you’re going to make some risky plays.


Omen is definitely one of the best controllers in the game. With his ability to quickly pop out from nowhere, he can be very potent in some situations. His Paranoia and Dark Cover abilities are perfect for creating confusion in enemy teams. It gives enough time for your team to make plays and kill your enemies before they have a chance to turn the fight over. And his ultimate can be used to ambush enemies that are hiding across the map, making him the perfect agent to clean up. However, he can also be killed just as easily if enemies are coordinating their attacks properly.


Raze can dish out a lot of damage within a short period of time, making her very valuable in team fights. She can play both offensive and defensive depending on the situation and is doing well in this patch.While she may not be a flashy duelist like Jett and Neon, she certainly can be a viable option if your team needs a lot of firepowers. Her abilities make sure that your enemies constantly need to check their surroundings for an incoming explosive. She is surprisingly easy to learn and master as well, making her suitable for all ranks.

B-Tier Agents


Brimstone hasn’t been seen that much in ranked as well as pro matches recently. However, with the new map consisting of three different paths to go in and out of the bomb site, his ability to use three smokes consecutively can be very advantageous for your team.The rapid-fire and speed boost he provides can also turn the fight around. And on top of that, he provides a massive AoE damage with his ultimate. If you’re thinking of learning Brimstone, or were a fan of him at some point, now is the perfect time to start playing using him again.


Killjoy can defend and fend off attackers all by herself with her crowd control abilities, making her an exceptional agent to pick. Her ability to effortlessly lockdown enemy attackers in a crowded space makes her a pretty solid pick if your team lacks crowd-control abilities.Her abilities are well-versed, making her great for both offensive and defensive plays. With her ability to detain all enemies within the radius, her ultimate is probably the best one in the game. But it does take a long time to set up, which makes you very vulnerable to enemy attacks. Also, the fact that the enemy can easily shoot this device down is what makes her fall to the B-tier.


Yoru can be surprisingly good if you can exploit his abilities. However, he does fall off against top-tier duelists of this patch. He does not have a high speed, and he cannot heal himself up, which makes it difficult to use him. But someone with a lot of practice can make him absolutely shine in battles.His abilities may be hard to use, but it offers a lot of versatility when it comes to executing them. He can make use of his kits to outplay enemies and come out on top. But as said, it requires a lot of practice to make this guy shine which is why we don’t see him often in matches.


Breach has good crowd-control abilities to make space for your team. His abilities are very strong, providing your team with a lot of control by rendering the enemy’s defense and offense useless. His abilities take quite a while to take effect and have a long cooldown, so if you’re playing as him, you should be prepared to hear some bad words from your teammates in case you miss them. However, I have seen some players completely take over the game with Breach, so if you’re feeling confident, you should pick him.


Skye can gather intel on enemy agents as well as heal her entire team. She is just the agent that every team needs. Although she may be in the B-tier because there are duelists who do the job better than her, she is still viable in many matches, and considering the player who is playing her; she can be a menace to deal with.She has much-needed crowd-control abilities and hard-to-dodge flashes, which makes her one of the scariest agents to play against. And she is still one of the best agents to pick when you are solo queuing.


Sage provides both utilities and crowd control for the team. She can be useful for the team at all stages of the game. She can create a wall to block an enemy’s vision as well as create an AoE to slow their movement speed. She can also revive her teammate with her Resurrection ability. The kits that she brings to the table are all useful for team plays, and she is one of the best supporters to have on your team. However, if your team is not performing well, it can be quite heartbreaking to play her, especially considering she doesn’t have any offensive abilities.


Cypher can be a great agent when it comes to gathering intel on an enemy’s location. However, due to the rise of sight deniers, his ability can be very hard to execute and oftentimes very hard to play as well.However, he does have some utilities that can help your team to set up kills. And his ultimate is still very useful for locating the enemies. If you have a good team composition and see a good opportunity, you should definitely pick him.

C-Tier Agents


Reyna does well when she is ahead and getting some kills, but when she is behind, she doesn’t really offer anything to the team. Also, all her abilities depend on getting kills, so she can be quite a pain to play if your team is behind.Reyna is one of those agents who can seem completely busted in the right hands but useless when you pick her. The reason why she is in this tier is there are many other duelists who are far better than her on any given map.


If you are looking to pick a Controller for a team, there are better options to choose from who does the job better than Astra. Due to the nerfs Astra has received in Episode 4, she is still struggling to find her place in the game.Despite her used to being one of the best choices for crowd control, she has hit rock bottom with the nerfs and is rarely seen in pro scenes. 


Phoenix is arguably the worst agent in Valorant. He is so bad that if anyone picks him, he is either a new player or trying to grief his team. Despite being a duelist, he doesn’t have any movement ability, which makes him completely unusable in both pick-offs as well as teamfights. He needs a major rework in his abilities and some buffs in the upcoming patches to be a viable duelist. Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 57Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 63Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 50Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 19Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 82Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 93Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 51Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 18Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 27Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 10Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 6Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 21Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 61Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 48Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 96Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 77Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 63Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 44Best Valorant Agent Tier List  PATCH 5 0  - 49